2022/05/16 04:52:48 Running on Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr 23 2020, 14:22:33) [GCC 8.3.0]. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Loading a config file from /dfast_core/example/dfc_config/dfast_web_config.py 2022/05/16 04:52:48 DFAST_DB_ROOT is specified [/dfast_core_db] 2022/05/16 04:52:48 OS type is Linux. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Adding /dfast_core/bin/Linux to PATH. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 DFAST pipeline started. (version 1.2.16) 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Results will be generated into '/dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation'. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Loading a genomic fasta file from /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/input/genome.fna 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Genome source information: organism=, strain= 2022/05/16 04:52:48 The query genome is treated as a draft genome with 1 sequences. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Sequences shorter than 200 will be eliminated. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Sequences will be renamed as sequence1, sequence2... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Locus_tag settings: locus_tag_prefix=LOCUS and step=10. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Locus_tags are assigned separately to each feature type. e.g. CDS: LOCUS_000xx, rRNA: LOCUS_r000xx, tRNA: LOCUS_t000xx, tmRNA: LOCUS_tm000xx. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Remove_Partial_Feature is enabled. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Remove_Overlapping_Feature is enabled. Priority: ['assembly_gap', 'CRISPR', ('tmRNA', 'tRNA', 'rRNA'), 'CDS'] 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Initializing structural annotation tools... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 GAPannotator initialized. (Version 1.0) 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Setting GAPannotator options. {'len_cutoff': 5, 'linkage_evidence': 'paired-ends', 'gap_type': 'within scaffold'} 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Checking MetaGeneAnnotator... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 MetaGeneAnnotator initialized. (Version 2008/08/19) 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Setting MetaGeneAnnotator options. {'cmd_options': '-s', 'transl_table': 11} 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Checking Aragorn version... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Aragorn initialized. (Version 1.2.38) 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Setting Aragorn options. {'gcode': '-gcbact', 'cmd_options': '-l', 'transl_table': 11} 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Checking Barrnap version... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Barrnap initialized. (Version 0.8) 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Checking CRT version... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 CRT initialized. (Version 1.2) 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Setting CRT options. {'jar_file': '/dfast_core/bin/common/CRT1.2-CLI.jar', 'java_options': '', 'cmd_options': ''} 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Checking Java version... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Java initialized. (Version 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Initializing annotation components... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 DBsearch initialized. 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Setting DBsearch options. {'cpu': 3, 'skipAnnotatedFeatures': True, 'evalue_cutoff': 1e-06, 'qcov_cutoff': 75, 'scov_cutoff': 75, 'pident_cutoff': 0, 'aligner': 'ghostx', 'aligner_options': {}, 'database': '/dfast_core_db/protein/DFAST-default.ref', 'db_name': ''} 2022/05/16 04:52:48 Checking GHOSTX version... 2022/05/16 04:52:48 GHOSTX initialized. (Version 1.3.6) 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Reference DB loaded. 405077 sequences. [version=, dbname=DFAST-default, contributor=yt,ddbj, modified=20210422] 2022/05/16 04:52:50 PseudoGeneDetection initialized. 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Setting PseudoGeneDetection options. {'cpu': 1, 'skipAnnotatedFeatures': False, 'extension': 300, 'scov_cutoff': 85, 'transl_table': 11} 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Checking lastdb version... 2022/05/16 04:52:50 lastdb initialized. (Version 959) 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Setting lastdb options. {'cpu': 1, 'skipAnnotatedFeatures': False, 'extension': 300, 'scov_cutoff': 85, 'transl_table': 11} 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Checking lastal version... 2022/05/16 04:52:50 lastal initialized. (Version 959) 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Setting lastal options. {'cpu': 1, 'skipAnnotatedFeatures': False, 'extension': 300, 'scov_cutoff': 85, 'transl_table': 11} 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Checking Blastp version... 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Blastp initialized. (Version 2.6.0) 2022/05/16 04:52:50 Start structural annotation process using 3 CPUs 2022/05/16 04:52:53 0 assembly_gap features were detected by GAPannotator. 2022/05/16 04:52:54 2689 CDS features were detected by MetaGeneAnnotator. 2022/05/16 04:52:54 63 tRNA features were detected by Aragorn. 2022/05/16 04:52:55 16 rRNA features were detected by Barrnap. 2022/05/16 04:52:55 3 CRISPR (later will be replaced by repeat_region) features were detected by CRT. 2022/05/16 04:52:55 Removed 0 partial features. 2022/05/16 04:52:56 Removed 13 overlapping features. 2022/05/16 04:52:56 Start executing functional annotation components. 2022/05/16 04:52:56 DBsearch will be performed using 3 CPUs. 2022/05/16 04:53:25 DBsearch done 2/3. 2022/05/16 04:53:26 DBsearch done 1/3. 2022/05/16 04:53:27 DBsearch done 3/3. 2022/05/16 04:53:28 Last format DB will be performed using 1 CPUs. 2022/05/16 04:53:28 Last format DB done 1/1. 2022/05/16 04:53:28 Last alignment will be performed using 1 CPUs. 2022/05/16 04:53:30 Last alignment done 1/1. 2022/05/16 04:53:30 22 CDS features were marked as possible pseudo due to internal stop codons. 2022/05/16 04:53:30 49 CDS features were marked as possible pseudo due to frameshift. 2022/05/16 04:53:30 Assigning locus_tags to CDS, rRNA, tRNA, tmRNA 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Setting output verbosity level to 3. 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing a genome fasta file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/genome.fna 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing a CDS fasta file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/cds.fna 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing a protein fasta file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/protein.faa 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing an RNA fasta file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/rna.fna 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing a GFF file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/genome.gff 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing a GenBank format file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/genome.gbk 2022/05/16 04:53:31 Writing an EMBL format file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/genome.embl 2022/05/16 04:53:32 Writing a DDBJ annotation file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/ddbj/mss.ann 2022/05/16 04:53:32 Writing a DDBJ sequence file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/ddbj/mss.fasta 2022/05/16 04:53:33 'center_name' is not specified. 'my_center' is used tentatively. 2022/05/16 04:53:33 Writing a GenBank tbl file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/genbank/genbank.tbl 2022/05/16 04:53:33 Writing a GenBank fsa file to /dfast_volumes/jobs/d43f9533-8048-4305-9c55-3e76aad6a097/annotation/genbank/genbank.fsa 2022/05/16 04:53:33 DFAST pipeline completed! 2022/05/16 04:53:33 Total running time: 0h0m46s