Select a Taxonomic Group for CheckM. (Default: automatically inferred)

Annotation workflow

Please visit our GitHub repository for more infomation.
Feature prediction

CDS (MetaGeneAnnotator), rRNA (Barrnap), tRNA/tmRNA (Aragorn), CRISPR (CRT)
Partial and overlapping features will be cleaned up.

Functional assignment
  1. Homology search against an additional reference database using the GHOSTX aligner (optional)
  2. Homology search against the DFAST default database using the GHOSTX aligner
  3. PseudoGeneDetection (internal stop codons and frameshifts)
  4. Profile HMM database search against TIGRFAM (optional)
  5. RPSBLAST search against COG database from NCBI Conserved Domain Database (optional)
  • Standard annotation format (GFF, GenBank)
  • Sequence files in a FASTA format (CDS, protein, RNA)
  • Annotated features in a tabular format
  • Genome and annotation statistics
  • Submission files for DDBJ Mass Submission System

Sorry, the current version of the annotation editor does not fully support all annotated results.
i.e. The results of TIGR, COG, and pseudo/framshifted gene annotation will not be shown in the annotation editor.
To check those results, please see GenBank- or GFF- formated files.
We will improve this in the future version.

Do you want to customize the workflow?
Try the standalone version DFAST-core !